Monk’s Spade
The Half Moon – Hoe has a nicely constructed, three dimensional crescent and hoe.
Because it is shaped like a hoe and was used by Buddhist monks, this weapon is also known as the Monk’s Hoe (Heshang Fu).
Although it is a traditional design, this weapon is very light and therefore suitable for both the traditional Kung Fu practitioner and the modern Wushu practitioner.
Because it is shaped like a hoe and was used by Buddhist monks, this weapon is also known as the Monk’s Hoe (Heshang Fu).
Although it is a traditional design, this weapon is very light and therefore suitable for both the traditional Kung Fu practitioner and the modern Wushu practitioner.
The weapon par excellence to decorate your kwoon. Delivered without stick!
These weapons have been with Kungfu – Supply for a while now. The chrome work of this kit gets some rust spots here and there. That’s why these still impressive weapons can now go for a bargain price. Therefore reduced price of € 29.99. Up = gone. Sold without stick!
Halve maan schep
Deze wapens staan alweer een tijdje bij Kungfu – Supply. Het chroomwerk van dit bouwpakket krijgt hier en daar wat roestrandjes. Daarom mogen deze nog steeds indrukwekkende wapens nu weg voor een spotprijsje. Daarom verlaagde prijs van 39,99 €. Op = op. Geleverd zonder stok!